Proper donning of your compression stockings is important for the effectiveness of the garment, as well as your comfort. At the same time, proper donning and doffing can help your stockings last longer. We want to help make this process as easy as possible for you. We have compiled a list of resources and tutorials to help walk you through some of the easiest ways to get your stockings on struggle-free!
The first thing to remember is that -yes- they are going to be tight. It may be difficult to get the garment over your heel or ankle, but don't let this deter you! This tightness is what makes the stocking medically effective. There are some tips to make the process less of an ordeal and more of an easy routine. Here are some key points to start with:
Here are some great basic tutorial videos from the Sigvaris Group on Donning and Doffing different stockings.
Here are some videos from the Sigvaris Group showcasing some of the products available to help ease the Donning and Doffing of your compression stockings. We have all of these product and more available at Cooper Medical Supplies to help you with your stocking routine.
No matter the level of compression, we strive to create a comfortable experience for you and your donning process. Let us help you find the right tools and tricks to get you comfortable in your daily compression routine!