When entering Spring, the temperature starts rising and we all begin looking forward to getting outside for some fresh air with our friends and family. While most people are excited for signs of Spring and Summer, those who suffer seasonal allergies have added worry with those allergy symptoms coming out of the woodwork again! But there's some good news, mask wearing can actually help reduce those allergy symptoms - yet another reason to Mask Up!
Recent studies have shown the act of wearing a face mask can help reduce allergy symptoms in those who suffer regularly from seasonal allergies. Dr. David Lang, an allergist at Cleveland Clinic, has been advising mask wearing for severe allergy symptoms long before the pandemic while outside the home or engaging in prolonged activities.

.Hay fever or allergic rhinitis occurs when our immune systems identify allergens such as pollen as a threat and causes an immune response. This is what causes us to sneeze, suffer a runny nose or blocked sinuses. Because pollen is airborne, it can be inhaled. It has been noted by allergy experts that since wearing a face mask became the norm many people have seen a reduction in their allergy symptoms. This is great news for anyone who suffers severe symptoms of hay fever. Simply keep wearing your mask to reduce your exposure to pollen, which will in turn reduce your symptoms.
By using a mask with filter technology such as Cambridge Mask Co, symptoms of hay fever and other seasonal allergies can be greatly reduced. The Admiral PRO is an ideal mask for allergy sufferers or respiratory illnesses due to its comfortable tight fit and the fact it is certified & tested to filter out almost 100% pollution and other fine airborne particles that can be an irritant. Re-usable, and washable – our PRO mask can last for up to 340 hours of active use allowing you to get out and about this Spring while leaving your allergies at home.
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